Today held a Prime music program "Daryu love"
On the small stage of Donetsk state-owned musical-theater dramatycheskoho June 27 held a premeramuzыkalnoy program "Daryu love." Rezhysser-postanovschyk Igor Rыbchynskyy obratylsya for Creativity and life in the legendary TIME own way n-rumыnskoho Artists Peter Leshchenko. In the Name That was the USSR ego pod nehlasnыm prohibition. Music lovers on yzvesten How prekrasnыy Artists such romansovoy As of famous - "Ferrous eye", "Kapryznaya, upryamaya" and others. This in yspolnenyy ego "Heart" IZ kynofylma "Veselыe guys" has become IZ First Soviet pesennыh hits. In setting Igor Rыbchynskoho, akterы Dmitry Fedorov and Marina Stepanova rasskazыvayut about history neprostoy Peter Leshchenko love and faith pevytsы Belousovoy. New program "Daryu love" voydet in osnovnoj # dramatycheskoho repertoire theater has íîâîì theater season.
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